​​​​​We believe in . . .

  • creating an environment that is secure, nurturing, and supportive for all children while still recognizing the individual differences and needs of each child.
  • fostering a child's natural curiosity.
  • providing materials and feedback that children can use to further their understanding of the world.
  • choice as an important part of the learning process.
  • emphasizing socialization, creative thinking, language development, and problem solving.
  • children playing an active role in their environment.
  • the process, not the product, in all aspects of our program.
  • working together in partnership with families to support and prepare children for further education.
  • To foster independence, children are encouraged to carry their own belongings into the classroom, hang them up on their labeled hook, and wash their hands before finding a place to play. 
  • Activities promoting the development of socialization, speech, and fine motor skills are set-up on tables so that children can focus on social interaction, motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.
  • Once everyone is settled, circle time begins and the class meets as a group to establish plans for the day, engage in inquiry-based discussions, as well as music, the use of puppets, stories, and identifying, guessing, or problem solving games.
  • An essential part of our play-based program is free play, which includes both indoor and outdoor exploration. 
  • During indoor time children choose from a variety of daily investigative activities which may include but are not limited to: art, playdough, dramatic play, water play, science exploration including baking and cooking, building toys including small and large blocks, sand play, puppets, cars and trains, floor puzzles, musical instruments, books, and additional fine motor exploration.
  • During outdoor time the children may be split into smaller groups to support greater social interaction and child/educator contact. Children learn by choosing activities and interacting with the equipment, peers, and their environment.
  • When it is time to tidy the classroom all children and educators work together before washing their hands for snack time. Children bring their snack bags to the tables and independently take out their food and drinks. The nutritious snack and drink packed from home is consumed at small table groups with an educator present at each to support conversation and socialization.
  • As they finish, children pack up their snacks and return their bags to their hooks. Then wash their hands before proceeding to the circle area. At this closing circle, age appropriate books are provided which relate to the specific interests of the children and investigations currently being explored. Educators and children share songs, games, and stories (both visual and written) during this circle. Plans for the next class are also discussed at this time.
  • When circle is over, all children are encouraged to put on their own coat and collect their bag prior to sitting at a table in preparation to go home. Each child will be dismissed individually by an educator to their authorized pick-up person waiting outside the door.

At Early Inquirers Preschool children are given the freedom to discover and explore the world through play. 

Early Inquirers Preschool    

"providing the freedom to learn"

Email or call us for more info, or to set up a classroom visit.


Daily Activities 

3175 Thompson Place, West Vancouver, BC

+1 (604)-926-6836


Our centre is integrated with a program that is designed to be flexible in order to meet the needs and interests of each child in our care.

​Our play-based program enables children to build a ranges of skills and provides them with a positive foundation for further development. 

Our classroom is set up to provide a balance of activities  in all areas of child development including social, emotional, physical, and cognitive.